Research Group and Collaborations

Superconductivity at the Nanoscale @ Unicam

Theory and Numerical Simulations

Prof. Andrea Perali, group coordinator

Ph.D. students of the joint doctorate Unicam and University of Antwerp (Belgium)

(co-supervisor: Prof. Milorad Milosevic)

Luca Flammia (III year)

Alfredo Vargas-Pareders (II year)

Benjamin McNaugthon (I year)

Master Degree student

Catia Stronati

Experiments @ SuperNano Laboratory 14

Prof. Nicola Pinto (low temperature laboratory director) and Prof. Andrea Perali (SuperNano project coordinator)

Collaborators in the SuperNano Lab:

Javid Rezvani, Post Doc at INFN -Frascati

Benjamin McNaugthon (Ph.D. student)

In collaboration with: Nano Fabrication Lab, INRiM, Turin, Italy

Metallorganic group, chemistry divisions, University of Camerino


Electron-hole superfluidity in graphene devices

Co-directorship of the project @ Unicam: Prof. David Neilson and Prof. Andrea Perali

Post Doc researchers and Ph.D. students of the joint doctorate Unicam and University of Antwerp

(co-supervisors: Prof. David Neilson and Prof. Francois M. Peeters, University of Antwerp)

Saberi-Pouya Samira (Post Doc)

Sara Conti (II year, Ph.D.)


Superstripes and room temperature superconductivity in artificial systems: Shape resonances and Lifshitz transitions

In collaboration with: Antonio Bianconi, RICMASS, Rome, Italy, and Augusto Marcelli, LNF-INFN Frascati, Italy

(Spintronics) Roberto Raimondi, University of Rome Tre

Maria Vittoria Mazziotti, Ph.D. student

Alessandro Ricci, Data Scientist, now working at DXT Commodities, Lugano, CH


BCS-BEC crossover in two-band superfluids

Research Collaboration @ Unicam

Andrea Perali and Pierbiagio Pieri

Post Doc of the PRIN project: Yuriy Yerin

In collaboration with Post Doc Hiroyuki Tajima, RIKEN, Japan


Curvatronics with graphene systems and other layered materials

Research Network:

Marco Cariglia, University of Our Preto, Brazil

Roberto Giambò, Maths Divisions, University of Camerino

Andrea Perali, University of Camerino


Quantum Size Effects in Superconducting Systems

Research Network:

Mauro Doria, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Marco Cariglia, University of Our Preto, Brazil