Andrea Perali is an Associate Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Camerino (Italy), in the School of Pharmacy (Physics Unit and SuperNano Laboratory). In 2017 he got the national habilitation to Full Professor. He is the delegate of the Rector for e-learning.
He has got the laurea (1995) and Ph.D. (2000) in Physics at the University of Roma “Sapienza” working in the group of Prof. C. Castellani and Prof. C. Di Castro. He has been a post doc fellow for one year (2001) at the Rutgers University (USA) working with Prof. G. Kotliar on numerical methods for high-Tc superconductivity.
He has won 3 prizes “Enrico Persico” from the “Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei” for the best physics students in the Rome universities and the prize of Italian Physics Society for young researchers. He has won the prize of “Fondazione Angelo della Riccia” to partially support the post doc in USA. In 2015 he has been nominated “Outstanding Referee” from APS and he has won the “Fibonacci” prize by RICMASS for pioneering studies on superconducting stripes.
Author of 75 scientific publications [2125 citations, Hirsch index h=24 (Web of Science source)].
He also authored 5 publications on e-learning and innovation of teaching journals and books.
He partecipated to the scientific and organizing committees of 12 international conferences and 1 summer school (co-director in six). He presented 52 talks at international conferences and universities and 18 posters. He works as a referee for the Physical Review Journals, EU-Horizon 2020, NSF of USA, FWO in Belgium, CNPq in Brazil, and for NSER Council of Canada. He is Editorial Board member of Scientific Reports – NPG, Guest Editor of Superconducting Science and Technology, and Editorial Board member of Condensed Matter, MDPI.
He partecipated to 5 national priojects (PRIN). He is the Principal Investigator of the Ateneo Project on “Control and Enhancement of Superconductivity by Engineering Materials at the Nanoscale” (2014-2016) leading to the opening of the SuperNano laboratory of the University of Camerino, in collaboration with the Nanofabrication laboratory, INRIM, Turin.
Research interests include theory of superconductivity and superfluidity: BCS-BEC crossover, pseudogap and fluctuating phenomena in ultracold fermions and multiband superconductors and superfluids. He has more than 20 years of experience in diagrammatic and numerical methods for strongly interacting fermions. He collaborates with Prof.s G.C. Strinati, P. Pieri and D. Neilson in Camerino, together with several graduate students. He has collaborated with the experimental group of Prof. D. Jin at the University of Colorado at Boulder (USA), contributing to the observation and characterization of the pseudogap in ultracold fermions.
In 2010, he started a large international collaborative effort with Prof. Arkady Shanenko and Prof. Albino Aguiar in Federal University of Pernambuco (Brasil) and with Prof. Milorad Milosevic and Prof. Francois Peeters in University of Antwerp (Belgium) on multiband superconductivity and superfluidity and with A. R. Hamilton in University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia on a new superfluid graphene-based device to observe and exploit high-temperature electron-hole superfluidity (locally in collaboration with David Neilson).
Recently Unicam joined the FLEET network of the Australian Research Council: Andrea Perali is the coordinator of the Camerino unit.
He is the founder, together with Milorad Milosevic and Arkady Shanenko, of the International Network “MultiSuper”, which runs the international conferences “MultiSuper”.
Last update: 12/12/2018